Today has been and AmaZing day. my group went to an orphanage\school and painted, cleaned up, then did our drama. THere were three little boys living at the orphanage and the rest of the kids just came for school. It was so much fun playing with the kids. i was just standing outside one time and a little girl just came up and hugged me. It was so cute!
Tonight at FUAGNEM someone from another group was sharing what happened at their site today. There was this kid there who was in a wheelchair because he didnt have a knee so he couldnt walk. He was also almost deaf and he was mute. So after they performed their drama they went up to talk to this boy the best they could. he would sign to them and they would try to sign back. Well they were all praying over him and when they were done he had a knee cap and they helped him get up and walk!! he was praising God and gave his life to the Lord today.
Today there were two girls in another group that bought a prostitute and told her about God and she got saved.
There are so many things God is doing right now. It is AMazing to be here with all these christian teens and to be in the presence of God with them. At THe worship service tonight many people got up and gave up bad habits and decided to let God fill the void and nothing else. This has really been an awesome trip to far and i know it is just going to get better and better.
Oh! and another sweet thing. So on the way over here the director of Big World Ventures rode on a plane with like the head of homeland security of Guatemala. ANd they were talking and he told the security guy about what we were doing here and he thought it was so awesome that he sent out like national security people. THe top security here to go with us where ever we go while we are in GUatemala! we have 12 groups i think adn every group has a bus and for every bus there is a vehicle of national security that goes with us. God is truly watching over us.
It has been a great 4th of July spent with my new friends. I love all of you at home. And mom and dad dont worry we are safe with our national security guys. Its pretty awesome what God can do.... ANYTHING :-)